Scindapsus 'Bathala'
Nomenclatural Notes:
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Released Year:
Cultivar Type:
Alicia Quintana & Beach Padogdog
Sarah Abigael Cornelio, Alicia Quintana & Beach Padogdog
Seed Parent:
Pollen Parent:
Base Species or Cultivar:
Scindapsus Pictus

Cultivar Origin:
This cultivar was acquired and originated from Lucena City, Quezon, by Alicia Quintana and Beach Padogdog of Angeles City, Pampanga, as Scindapsus Pictus Variegata.
It was a leap of faith purchase, as initially, the cultivar only exhibited some specks of ivory white and butter yellow, but as it grew, the cultivar showed consistent streaks, sectoral, and seemingly marble to mint variegation that persisted across the rest of the propagations.
Name Origin:
According to F. Landa Jocano’s Outline of Philippine Mythology (1969) Bathala is the grand conserver of the universe. He is a transcendent supreme being, and the father of the demigods Mayari, Apolaki, Hanan, and Tala.
Bathala is the creator and caretaker of the world, and everything in it. He welcomes gifts from people with deep appreciation and is pleased when they are helpful and obedient to his moral laws. He is lavish in his love towards those who kept his commandments and paid homage to him, that the people developed dependence that he will do all things for them; it was said that this dependence could be responsible for the ‘bahala na’ (let whatever happen) attitude of Filipinos, a philosophy that can be of resignation and passiveness, but also of recklessness and even bravery, that therefore represents the leap of faith purchase that this specimen was.
Now the specks, streaks, sectoral, and granular variegation of white to yellow of this specimen are believed to represent shared characteristics of the prior submitted cultivars Apolaki, Mayari, and Hanan, consequently awarding this cultivar the name ‘Bathala’.
Growth Habit:
We’ve perceived that this cultivar has similar growth habits as the rest of the Scindapsus genus and thrives in chunky, well-draining soilless medium, along with tropical temperatures between 25 to 35 'C, well conserved humidity of 40-70%, and proper air circulation.
They are grown under bright filtered morning to afternoon sunlight, and some of which are under efficient full spectrum grow lights. Watering is controlled, to avoid oversaturation of the roots that could result in root issues.
It has also been observed that newly propagated specimens will exhibit less variegation but will certainly recuperate once established.
Given the proper growing condition and a pole to climb on, this cultivar could grow vigorously, and achieve elongated plump leaves that measure up to 5.5 - 6.5 inches (14 - 17 cm) in length, and 3 - 4 inches (8 - 9 cm) in width.
Leaf Blade:
This cultivar is characterized by flat, elongated cordiform shaped leaves with acute apices and cordate bases. Its leaves are arranged in an alternating fashion and are attached to the stem in a petiolate manner. The venation is pinnate.
It presents a smooth and matte leaf lamina. It is unlike the cultivar Scindapsus pictus ‘Exotica’ because it exhibits a granular variegation pattern. However, like the ‘Exotica’, it still retains the green base color with silver patterns.
Juvenile Leaves
Length: 2.5 - 3 inches (6.5 - 7.5 cm)
Width: 1.5 - 2 inches (3.5 - 5 cm)
Mature leaves
Length: 5.5 - 6.5 inches (14 - 17 cm)
Width: 3 - 4 inches (8 - 9 cm)
Bloom and Fruit:
Not observed yet.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
The following are some of Scindapsus Pictus Bathala’s observed distinguishing characteristics:
Shape / Form - elongated cordiform in shape
Texture - the variegation pattern in its leaves are highly identifiable as they are seemingly imprinted across the foliage
Variegation - ivory white to butter yellow, and would normally appear as streaks, sectoral, and seemingly marble to mint in pattern
What makes ‘Bathala’ particularly perceptible from other cultivars of Scindapsus Pictus, like ‘Exotica’ is its variegations that start from ivory white to butter yellow, and would normally appear as streaks, sectoral, and seemingly marble to mint in pattern.
And as the aforementioned trait of this cultivar, ‘Bathala’ specimens that are newly propagated will exhibit less variegation, but will certainly come back and stabilize once established.
This cultivar also exhibits variegations, distinguishable in the form of vertical lines across the petioles and the stems.