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Philodendron 'Corsinianum'





Nomenclatural Notes:


Published in:

Bulletino della Società toscana d’Orticultura Anno 13 (1888): 211. 1888

Released Year:




Cultivar Type:



Ferdinando Ragioneri


Ferdinando Ragioneri

Seed Parent:

Philodendron pinnatifidum

Pollen Parent:

Philodendron verrucosum

Base Species or Cultivar:


Cultivar Origin:

Created earlier than 1888 in the public gardens of ‘Le Cascine’ in Florence, Italy by the foreman, Mr. Ferdinando Ragioneri and the Director, Cav. A. Pucci. Recorded as a hybrid of P.lindenii (pollen) and P.lucidum (ovule).
a. P.lindenii is a synonym of P.verrucosum. (5)
b. Considering the marcescent fibrous cataphylls, short internodes, vinaceous extrafloral nectaries, scalloped leaf margins, leaf blade size, red spotted spathe and other qualities of the inflorescence (6), there is a high possibility that the second parent is P.pinnatifidum. This species was widely available in collections in Europe at the time of creation of this hybrid.
First published in 1888 in Bullettino della R[eale] Società Toscana d’Orticultura and Won the Certificate of Merit by the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Ghent as part of an International Exposition in 1887.

Name Origin:

Created earlier than 1888 in the public gardens of ‘Le Cascine’ in Florence, Italy by the foreman, Mr. Ferdinando Ragioneri and the Director, Cav. A. Pucci. Named after Prince Corsini, then Mayor of Florence. Entire stock of the plant was purchased by Messrs. Makoy, of Liege.

Growth Habit:

Slow climber that exhibits a scrambling habit.

Leaf Blade:

11-18 in. broad, deeply cordate-ovate, acute, shortly pinnatifidly lobed, with the roundish basal lobes separated by a narrow acute sinus 4.5-7 cm. deep, bright deep green above, dull purple between the green veins beneath, changing to green with age; midrib flat above, very prominent beneath; primary veins about 7 on each side of the midrib, with the 2 basal ones close together, the others distant; impressed above, prominent beneath; basal lobes with 5-6 primary veins, all united into one at the base, where it is shortly denuded at the sinus

Bloom and Fruit:

solitary in each axil. Peduncle short, green, with whitish lines. Spathe with an ellipsoid tube 3 in. long, of a rich purple-crimson, with scattered spots of crimson-brown and numerous rows of minute white dots outside, and bright deep carmine inside ; limb 4-4.5 in. long, 2 1/3-2 3/4 in. broad, boat-shaped, with a short convolute point, light green, spotted with red outside and carmine, with darker spots
inside, shading into white at the margins. Spadix 6-6 1/2 in. long, 1/2-2/3 in. thick, terete, acute, slightly curved forwards, creamy-white.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

This ornamental stove Aroid is a hybrid raised by the firm of Messrs. Makoy of Liege, for which they were awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Royal Agricultural and Botanical Society of Ghent in 1887. Its parentage is not mentioned, but judging from the purple tint on the under surface of its leaves, a coloration which is unusual in the genus, it is possible that P. verrucosum, Mathieu, may have been one of its parents. When young the leaves are deeply tinged with coppery brown, but as they become older this colour almost disappears, as in the leaf figured. For a climbing species it appears to be of comparatively slow growth, since the plant at Kew, from which our figure was made in May last, was acquired in 1898, and is now only about 8 feet high, with a spread of about 6 feet.

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