Philodendron 'Brasil'
Nomenclatural Notes:
Published in:
United States Plant Patent No.:USOOPP12956P2 dated Sep. 17, 2002
Released Year:
Cultivar Type:
Ruben Ernesto Acosta
Ruben Ernesto Acosta
Seed Parent:
Pollen Parent:
Base Species or Cultivar:
Cultivar Origin:
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be the unique characteristics of ‘Brasil’. These characteristics in combination distinguish ‘Brasil’ as a new and distinct cultivar and distinguish it from the parent selection:
1. Plants of the new Philodendron have unique dark green and yellow green variegated leaves.
2. Plants of the new Philodendron have elongated leaf apices.
3. Young stems and leaf petioles of plants of the new Philodendron are initially reddish pink becoming reddish orange and eventually light green with subsequent development.
The cultivar Brasil has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary somewhat with variations in environment such as temperature, light intensity and/or fertilizer rate, without, however, any variance in genotype.
Name Origin:
The present Invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of Philodendron plant, botanically known as Philodendron scandens oxycardium and referred to by the cultivar name Brasil.
The new Philodendron is a naturally-occurring whole plant mutation of an unnamed selection of Philodendron scandens oxycardium. The new Philodendron was discovered by the Inventor in a controlled environment in Holambra, Brazil, as a single plant within a planting of the unnamed selection in 1991. The selection of this plant was based on its unique green and yellow green variegated foliage.
Growth Habit:
Appearance.—Low-growing; cascading, trailing, decumbent. Full plants with dense foliage.
Crop time.—From planting rooted cuttings, about 16 to 18 weeks are required to produce finished plants in 20-cm hanging basket containers.
Plant height.—About 14 cm.
Plant spread.—About 55 cm.
Stems.—Length: About 52 cm. Diameter: About 5.5 mm. Internode length: About 7.7 cm. Texture: Smooth. Branching: Branching enhanced by pinching; potentially branching at every node. Color: Young stems: Reddish pink, close to 182B to 182C, to reddish orange, close to 171A. Older stems: Green, 144A to 146A.
Leaf Blade:
Foliage description.—Arrangement: Alternate. Length: About 11.3 cm. Width: About 8.5 cm. Shape: Cordate. Apex: Acuminate, elongated. Base: Cordate. Aspect: Mostly flat to undulate; mostly horizontal. Texture: Smooth, waxy; somewhat glossy. Color: Dark green ground color with yellow green to light green central variegation pattern. Variegation pattern longitudinal to the leaf axis and irregular. Low light conditions enhance variegation development.
Bloom and Fruit:
Inflorescence development has not been observed on plants of the new Philodendron.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
1. Plants of the new Philodendron have unique dark green and yellow green variegated leaves.
2. Plants of the new Philodendron have elongated leaf apices.
3. Young stems and leaf petioles of plants of the new Philodendron are initially reddish pink becoming reddish orange and eventually light green with subsequent development.
The cultivar Brasil has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary somewhat with variations in environment such as temperature, light intensity and/or fertilizer rate, without, however, any variance in genotype.