Epipremnum 'Olivia'
Nomenclatural Notes:
Under review
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Cultivar Type:
Zhao Yang
Zhao Yang
Seed Parent:
Pollen Parent:
Base Species or Cultivar:
Epipremnum aureum 'Manjula'
Cultivar Origin:
This cultivar is a yellow variegated sport of E. aureum 'Manjula'. The originator found it in a local nursery in southeast China and brought to Philophytonia (EPAMJ2110SMP1&2). Now we have two stable whole palnts as mother palnts for propagation.
Name Origin:
The cultivar 'Olivia' was named by its variegation colors comparing to the olive fruit colors. We kept the pothos naming tradition of female names like 'Manjula' and 'Jessenia'.
Growth Habit:
Like other pothos plant, it prefers bright but indirect light, well-draining rich soil.
Leaf Blade:
Round heart leaf.
Bloom and Fruit:
Not observed yet.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
E. aureum 'Olivia' keeps the characteristics of both 'Manjula' and 'Jessenia' pothos. The variegation patterns are similar to 'Manjula' for it has two or three layers of color which are yellow, light green and green. The yellow variegated parts are similar to 'Jessenia' pothos. The variegation on new leaves is more obvious but as the leaves grow mature, the yellow color will be fading to light green.